June 12-13, 2024 | Columbus, Ohio

Farm Learning Lab

The Farm Learning Lab is a popular and unique learning experience during the Agricultural Risk Inspection School. Attendees go through a peer-led, hands-on mock inspection of an area agricultural operation, allowing in-the-field experience with the same experts teaching the educational sessions.

NEW IN 2024! This year’s Farm Learning Lab will be extended to one full day. Half of the day will be dedicated to a traditional Farm Learning Lab experience and half of the day will feature several hands-on learning opportunities and demonstrations led by subject-matter experts from The Ohio State University.

Participants who attended the 2019 Agricultural Risk Inspection School can expect a refreshed approach to this year’s Farm Learning Lab, shining a light on different aspects of the Waterman operations accompanied by several informative, hands-on demonstrations.


The Waterman Agricultural and Natural Resources Laboratory, commonly referred to as Waterman, has been a priceless educational resource in agriculture, and agricultural best management practices for almost 100 years.

Waterman's agronomy research projects, community and nutrition education gardens, dairy facility, entomology lab, turfgrass facility, and forested woodlot demonstrate hands-on experiential learning and education to everyone who stops by.

I enjoyed the lab and learned a great deal – very organized and everyone did a good job in talking about both the positive and improvements for the operation.

Commercial Underwriting Supervisor
Shelter Mutual Insurance Company


Business casual is suggested for all meetings and networking events, with the exception of the Farm Learning Lab on Wednesday. During the Farm Learning Lab, we encourage participants to wear cool, comfortable clothing that you would not mind getting dirty and closed-toed shoes. If you wish to change clothes before departing for the Farm Learning Lab, you will have the opportunity to do so. Shoe coverings will be provided.


Kim Bates
Member Concierge – Member Experience



Corporate Event Sponsor:

Grinnell Re

Our Event Sponsors:

Guy Carpenter
Mutual Boiler Re
PrevTech Innovations Inc.