Public Policy | Councils | Policy Research

Council Purpose – Advise NAMIC’s Government Affairs Department on relevant and emerging public policy issues on which the association’s research assets should be focused and recommend topics for NAMIC’s Issue Analysis policy paper series.

General Council Value Proposition – Provide members with an opportunity to suggest public policy topics with the potential to impact the property/casualty insurance industry for further analysis and ultimately enhance broad membership awareness and understanding of current and future policy issues. These issue analyses can be robust exploratory papers that help frame the questions that need to be answered or resolved on a given topic or used as primers for policymakers to help educate and share an insurance perspective.

General Council Responsibilities – The council will provide recommendations on public policy issues that need further study or analysis. Specifically, the council will:

Meet annually to provide a list of potential topics for NAMIC’s Issue Analysis policy paper series along with reasoning as to how the issues relate to the property/casualty insurance industry.

Prioritize urgency of policy issues to ensure that papers are written and distributed in a timely and effective manner.

Help NAMIC staff identify experts and partners that might serve as meaningful sources of input for Issue Analysis authors during the writing process.

Foster NAMIC membership awareness of and interest in the policy research in which the association is engaged and the Issue Analysis papers the association has produced.


Erin Collins
Senior Vice President - State and Policy Affairs



Jimi Grande
Senior Vice President - Federal & Political Affairs



Kate Salazar
State & Policy Affairs Manager



Patrick McCarty
Federal Affairs Manager

202.580.6747 x1211
