Our Positions | Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity is an issue of growing importance for insurers as well as society in general. Insurers encounter cybersecurity issues in a variety of ways. Like all members of the interconnected business community, insurers are potential targets as they hold consumer personal information. Because of this, insurers have an obligation to take steps to protect that information as well as to play a role in the development of how society responds to the growing exposure to cyber risk by insuring.

Issue Analysis Papers

Understanding the Evolving Cybersecurity Standards Landscape for Insurers PDF

Understanding the Evolving Cybersecurity Standards Landscape for Insurers (PDF)
The amazing benefits of a technologically advanced and interconnected society have not been attained without the price of sobering exposure to substantial and even potentially catastrophic harm. As Congress, state legislatures, the National Association of Insurance Commissioners, and state insurance regulators have proposed and/or adopted a variety of public policy measures affecting insurers in response to the cybersecurity threat, it is worth assessing how cybersecurity regulation efforts should and do function within the broader scheme of insurance regulation.
Published 07/12/18)

NAMIC News on Cybersecurity


Erin Collins
Senior Vice President - State and Policy Affairs

