Public Policy | Working Groups | American Law Institute

Working Group Purpose – Obtain significant revisions to the proposed American Law Institute Restatement of Liability, Insurance and, if revisions are not made, seek through other means to eliminate or significantly diminish the application or use of the Restatement going forward.

General Working Group Value Proposition – Allows NAMIC members to play a major role in determining the direction of advocacy to ensure staff is pursing ALI Restatement solutions that have been developed and advised by the membership.

General Working Group Responsibilities – The working group will:

Engage with the Restatement reporters to educate them on the technical legal errors and misapplication of legal principles contained in the current Restatement draft.

Enlist outside authorities and interest groups to provide broad and objective opposition to the Restatement.

Engage with the senior leadership and general membership of the ALI to educate them on the problems and urge them to revise the Restatement.

Educate state legislators and jurists on the problems with the Restatement and preclude its application at the state level.


Andrew Pauley
Associate General Counsel



Andrew Kirkner
General Counsel



Tom Karol
General Counsel - Federal



Erin Collins
Senior Vice President - State and Policy Affairs

