Public Policy | Working Groups | Advanced Aviation Advisory Working Group

General Working Group Purpose – Strengthen the association's collective understanding of the issues and legal requirements involved with NAMIC members' and their policyholders' use of drones, from operational and coverage perspectives. Keep those members with an interest in drones and drone operations apprised of developments in the drone space.

General Working Group Value Proposition – Use the working group's collective knowledge and experience with drones and drone regulations to develop a set of policy and regulatory goals for NAMIC education and advocacy on federal and state legal, legislative, and regulatory issues.

General Working Group Responsibilities – The working group will monitor, advise, communicate, and proactively impact federal and state legal, legislative, and regulatory issues concerning drones that impact the mutual property/casualty insurance industry. Specifically, the working group will:

Monitor current and emerging drone issues impacting the industry, determine the priority level, and promote membership awareness.

Make recommendations to other NAMIC policy development working groups as well as the NAMIC Board of Directors and staff on association policies and practices that relate to drone policy concerns, issues, and opportunities.

Oversee and guide an effective overall federal and state legislative and regulatory advocacy strategy on drone issues for the association.

Foster NAMIC membership participation in, awareness of, and interest in the development and implementation of drone issues that can impact the industry. 


Cate Paolino
Director of Public Policy



Tom Karol
General Counsel - Federal

