FMDC | Frequently Asked Questions

What is the FMDC program?

The Farm Mutual Director Certification (FMDC) program encourages and formally recognizes the educational accomplishments and dedication to professionalism of farm mutual directors. The certification is earned through participation in a series of director courses offered throughout the year. Courses are available in-person at NAMIC and state association events, and virtual through a series of live and on-demand webinars.

What are the benefits of the FMDC designation?

Please refer to the Overview & Benefits tab.

Does earning my FMDC certification qualify my company for a discount on professional liability insurance premiums?

NAMICO has agreed to provide benefits to companies who demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional education of board members; therefore, if at least 75% of your board is actively enrolled, you may be eligible for an underwriting credit of up to 10 percent on your company’s D&O insurance from NAMICO. As with any insurance policy, a variety of underwriting criteria and factors must be considered when establishing rates. NAMIC will provide information twice yearly on individuals enrolled in the program and a summary by company of individual director’s achievement towards certification. It is the responsibility of the company manager to inquire with NAMICO and/or NAMIC Insurance Agency if this information has been applied at the time of renewal. Accuracy of transcripts is important to that communication and any issues or corrections to transcripts should be discussed with NAMIC’s FMDC Administrator.

How do I enroll?

To enroll, submit an application along with your application fee to NAMIC.

How do I attain the FMDC designation?

Please refer to the Overview & Benefits tab.

How do I maintain my certification?

Please refer to the Maintenance tab.

What if I can’t complete my maintenance in the 2-year window?

Please refer the Grace Period section of the Maintenance tab.

Why did I receive a letter stating I’m in suspended status and how do I return to active status?

Please refer to the Suspended Status section of the Maintenance tab.

What ongoing fees are associated with the program?

An annual administrative fee is charged to all active enrollees and certificate holders. This fee is billed directly to your company in the first quarter of each calendar year. Registration fees for coursework will vary based on the venue, host organization, and number of courses being offered.

Why don’t my NAMIC dues pay for my participation in the FMDC program?

Dues paid to NAMIC are used to fund the core services of the association (advocacy and public policy). Programs such as FMDC are not subsidized by dues but are paid for by those who use them. This is a fundamental difference in how NAMIC operates – since many associations include all services as part of dues. NAMIC finds this operational difference is a key reason why so many members tell us that NAMIC is one of the best association values in the industry. The advocacy work NAMIC does on behalf of members and the industry is a benefit to all; the other services typically have benefit to an individual and/or company only.

I received a copy of my transcript and noticed an error or omission. What should I do?

Individual records are maintained by NAMIC as part of the administration fee paid to NAMIC annually. While NAMIC makes every effort to maintain accurate records, candidates are responsible for reporting discrepancies immediately upon discovery. If you notice an error on your transcript, please email the discrepancy along with any documentation (proof of attendance, receipt, agenda, notes, etc.) to

How do I decipher the maintenance courses on my transcript?

Please refer to Deciphering Continuing Education Credits.


Lauren Holdcroft
Certification & Customized Programs Manager

