September 22-25, 2024 | Denver

Housing Alert

Occasionally, groups claiming to be a "Convention Housing Bureau" or a similar name have contacted registered and/or regular attendees of the NAMIC Annual Convention claiming the ability to secure room reservations at a discounted rate at the official NAMIC hotel in September. Please be aware that these companies are not authorized to represent NAMIC and cannot secure rooms within the group room block. Unfortunately, this problem is becoming more prevalent among convention groups. If you are considering alternative housing arrangements for the NAMIC Annual Convention, please keep in mind that there are benefits to booking your reservation through NAMIC, including discounted rates, protected reservations, and the ability for NAMIC staff to assist you with a reservation should you experience a problem. Please alert NAMIC should you be contacted directly by a company about making room reservations for the convention.


Kim Bates
Member Concierge – Member Experience

